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Terms &

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Thank you for using Captain Compliance. Please note the following Terms and Conditions:


Regarding any documentation presented to you from Captain Compliance, our company policy stipulates that the assessor at the time of the inspection believes the information contained within the document to be correct at the time of printing. The assessor, or company does not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in the documentation. Any documentation is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the assessor during the day of the assessment and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

Captain Compliance is not responsible for any after hours calls pertaining to a safety switch tripping, causing a loss of power. In this situation, please call your nominated Electrician, who will bill you directly, regardless of the cause, or outcome.

Some window blinds span large areas, for example, across multiple retractable glass doors, requiring a “continual chain” to be placed in the centre of the doorway. In this circumstance, a blind cleat is not possible to install, and the chain cannot be shortened due to the “continual nature” of the chain’s function. Therefore, care must be taken to remove any furniture from the area, to reduce the chance of child interaction with the chain. Captain Compliance takes no responsibility for this situation and recommends a blind company be contacted to certify the situation as safe.

When testing the smoke alarms, we, the Captain Compliance company, are acting in the capacity of your electrician, and determining the outcome of the audit as such. We are not building surveyors or engineers. We encourage you to invite the relevant council building inspector to assess the property to determine if the smoke alarms are located correctly, and if more smoke alarms are required, and relay that information on to us.

The pricing and structure of the Annual Property Audit is designed for properties that are already in our system. The initial audit may cost more if new components are required to get the property compliant. These prices will be discussed before any work is performed.

The annual testing of fire extinguishers, performed by Captain Compliance, involves ensuring the units are charged, have no visible damage and are in date. The audit does not consider unit location, size or extra council requirements for houses built in high fire risk areas. If concerned, please check with council, and relay this information to Captain Compliance.

In the event of an after hours emergency, the procedure is to call Captain Compliance on 0432 331 633. If the phone is not answered, leave a message. If your call is not returned within 20 minutes, please call CND Property Services on 0491 206 553 if the emergency is in Byron Bay. If it is outside Byron Bay, please call your nominated relevant tradesman/handyman to rectify the issue. Captain Compliance will cover the cost as part of the Emergency Insurance Cover.

Swimming Pool Barriers

When making modifications or adjustments to structures around swimming pools or near boundary fences, it is the customer’s responsibility to verify with the local council for applicable rules and regulations regarding permissible construction. This requirement applies universally to all circumstances. If the assessor recommends modifying a structure in order to achieve compliance, it is done from a pool inspector point of view, and the customer should first confirm with the council regulations before initiating any alterations.


Emergency/After Hours Insurance Cover

This cover is included in the Annual Safety Audit, and is only applied to those properties which have had an audit performed in the previous 12 months

Cover Includes:

*Any Emergency or after-hours smoke alarm work required is performed at zero labour cost.

*Any faulty items or products installed by Captain Compliance are replaced at zero cost.

*The cover entitles the customer to unlimited call-backs at zero cost.

*The after-hours cover does not include non-critical items such as blind cords, batteries etc.

*The smoke alarm after hours cover does not include Class 2 buildings, or any other buildings where Captain Compliance does not audit the smoke alarms.

Evacuation Diagrams

Evacuation diagrams remain the Intellectual Property of Captain Compliance. When the diagrams are created, they are delivered to site, and installed to ensure they are located correctly. As part of the Annual Safety Audit, Captain Compliance will replace any missing, damaged or faded diagrams at zero cost. The diagrams will also be altered at zero cost if the property undergoes any renovations. The customer does not receive a digital copy at any time.

Audit Spend Limit

Captain Compliance has a spend limit per audit of $350. If a property requires work that exceeds this limit, a quote will be produced, unless authorised by the property manager or owner.


We’re here for you

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Call Blair Rankin today on 0432 331 633, or enquire online to arrange a meeting with you or your managing agent.

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0432 331 633

Opening Hours
Weekdays - 8.30am to 7pm
Saturday - 9am to 2pm
Sunday - Closed